American Mathematical Society (AMS) Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting will be at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, November 3-4, 2018 (Saturday – Sunday).

The goal of the Special Session on “Validation and Verification Strategies in Multiphysics Problems” is gathering researchers to present and discuss the recent advances in methods for uncertainty quantification and applications of these methods to challenging large-scale multi-physics problems.

Quantifying errors and uncertainties in multi-physics models and data are crucial to achieve good validation and verification (V&V) results for the numerical simulations of realistic applications in science and engineering. In order to diagnose the errors in the model, integrate data and make predictions for quantities of interest with quantified errors and uncertainties, methodologies, deterministic and stochastic approaches have been of considerable interest in the computational science and engineering community.

Join us at the Special Session on “Validation and Verification Strategies in Multiphysics Problems” on Saturday, November 3th in SCEN 202.

The agenda can be viewed online at: